Thursday, May 31, 2007


Google is one of the most well-known search engines that can be found in the whole Internet universe. It can be used to access unlimited amounts of information on any subject imaginable.

Google is one of the most well-known search engines that can be found in the whole Internet universe. It can be used to access unlimited amounts of information on any subject. Google Book Search is one of the many tools available in Google. The company takes books and scans them into the Internet so that they may become globally accessible.

The effect of this library-based digitization has on Google's relationships with publishers is that it has endangered their relationship with them. If I was a publisher and Google was making money and I didn't get any profit from it, I would be very upset. If they were gaining success with my books then I should gain something out of it.

Google’s competitors such as Microsoft and Yahoo will most probably respond to this technology by developing similar ones the way the iPod was parodied by other companies. Yahoo and Microsoft do not want to lose their online audience and so will most likely do whatever it takes to keep their audience and probably increase it as well.

Personally, I think that this is a great use of the technology we have at our disposal. Instead of wasting our times playing games, we finally have access to books and other useful information that can be found in the library.


Having the truth exposed even though I am risking my safety would be the right thing to do. When i saw the clip it showed me that the person risked his safety to get some money back to their customers. If i were the reporter, I would have called the cops on the store-owner to come and handles things. It's an interesting story, but it was dangerous for a reporter and a camerman to be there.

I think that the reporter was to greedy to get her story. When she was there, it was like she was asking to get hurt. There was more publicity because he chose not to let the cops handle things. Even though the reporter got hit, he was fortunate that he didn't get threatened by a sharp object or gun.

The truth should be told if it's in fact hurting someone else. People should have the right to know about facts that can be scary, like child labour or anything like that. This truth should be exposed to everyone so that the people that don't know this can know and maybe they can be so sickened by it that they will do something to stop it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I found the assembly about cyberbullying that i went to to be abit interesting. I always knew that teenagers bully other people through the internet by using, posts and any type of chatrooms. What i didn't know was that teenagers aren't the only victims of cyberbullying. It suprised me when the public speaker said that adults especially teachers are also victims of cyberbullying.

We consider cyberbullying as a way to hurt and inflict emotional damage on an individual through the use of the internet. Cyberbullies make comments that hurt other people. These comments can be made through various ways through the internet. Cyberbullies use chatrooms, e-mails, and post messages on the internet to bully. Sometimes they make their own site that is dedicated to bully an individual. Cyberbullies are not afraid of persecution because they think that they can hide in the saftey of their homes. However, technology can track down posts and massages made and sent.

In my opinion, i think that a suitable punishment for cyberbullies is for them to be banned from computers. I find that this is the only way that they can stop cyberbullying. But i think that taking away the computer is a bit harsh, but if this is the only way for them to stop bullying through the internet, then these drastic actions should be done.


Ever since the beginning of time, people have always wondered how we got to this Earth and to this day, this is still running through our minds. The Geographic Project, that was created by the IBM and the national geographic, was created to discover the origin of humans and trace our ancestry back to the beginning of time.

Scientists have been trying to find and trace the existance to the beginning of time. the scientists find indigenous people around the world and they try to find their origin. They take samples of DNA from different people around the world so that they can come up with a theory that everyone is connected. Scientist take these DNA samples so they will be able to find human life cycles and solve the existance of humans.

The Geographical Project is a new project that was recently created because we have just created the technology that is needed to answer all our questions. Thanks to this project, we are able to find our roots and maybe unlock secrets about our race that have never been known before. The human DNA is unique to each person but there are still similarities that can be used to compare and contrast the migration pattern of humans.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Games are the main entertainment for several young adults, kids, and even students. But the most known genre out of all the games that are made is war games. In my opinion, war games are so popular now because these war games have so much action in the game play and people, like myself, enjoy playing the game in first-person view because it makes us feel as if we were actually in the game. First person allows the player to play the game on how the character in the game sees the environment. War games such as, Call of Duty 1-3, Counter Strike, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 1-3 and Delta Force: Black Hawk Down are all war games that play through first person view. Other war games like Socom II: US Navy SEALs and Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon 1 and 2 are examples of war games that okay through another view called third person. Third person is when you see the environment from the back of the character as if you were looking at the same direction as the character is. Also, people that play games (gamers) enjoy these war games because in some war games, it gives them the ability to play with other gamers online in a multiplayer mode.

I think that realistic war games doesn’t desensitive people to the horror of war, it jus makes it more fun. Gamers enjoy war games that are more realistic because it adds more excitement to the game play. If the game wasn’t that realistic, then the game would get boring because there isn’t as much action as there is when it is more realistic. Games that are more realistic and have explosions that sound real, show dead bodies on the floor, and have good sound affects are the type of games that gamers would rather get. With all these qualities in a war game, it would keep you at the edge of your seat and make things more exciting.

Personally I think that these war games are great to play because it can always bring excitement, especially when you play online multiplayer with other people from around the world. War games never get boring because when you play online with other players, some games allow you to communicate with the other players in your team that are playing along side you, as long as you have a mic to speak into. Games like Socom and Counter Strike allows you to communicate with the other players. Even though some parents say that these war games are too violent for their kids, people still play them and ignore what the parents think.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


In my opinion, i think that using an iPOD for lectures won't allow me to learn things much better than it would if I am lectured by teachers. Using iPODs to lecture students doesn't sound like a bad idea, but it won't work more effectively. If students have questions to subjects that they don't understand, where is a teacher that can answer all of their questions if they're listening to the lecture at home or somewhere else except school? If i try to learn by using an iPOD, I'm pretty sure that i won't be able to learn anything because i will be too eager to listen to music instead of listening to the teachers lecture me through an iPOD. This is the reason why i think that i won't be able to learn well using an iPOD. But i would still try and get an iPOD for myself instead of school. In my opinion, i think that if Mary Ward embrasses such technology for education, some students might do better in school. If we go to a seminar, we don't need to be taking notes the whole way, we could just listen to the seminar over and over again in our iPODs. It's also useful because students can review or rewatch the seminar again at home if they're having troubles understanding their lesson. But like i said earlier, some people might be too eager to just listen to music instead of using the iPOD for school purposes. The fact that students might be more eager to listen to music instead of listening to school seminars, is a disadvantage of our school to embrase such technology for education. This will put students off course of the path that they decide to choose.

Monday, September 18, 2006

with the GOOD, comes the BAD

Now days, many people are using modern-day communication technology to communicate with friends, familly, and other people.

An example of a modern-day communication technology is the Internet. The Internet is a place where people can communicate with each other. It is the most well known modern-day communication technology in the world. Everyone that has a computer uses it for many reasons. People use it to chat with friends, post blogs, send e-mail, and make personal websites. Communicating through the Internet is a good thing, but there is also bad side to it.

There are some good things about using the Internet for communicating with people around the world. Using the Internet is an easy and fast way to communicate with each other. Using the Internet, you can post blogs about what you did that day and other stuff. You can also make personal websites that show things about what your interests are, what your phone number is, where you live, and many other things about yourself. With the Internet, you can send electronic mail or e-mail to other people around the world. Aside from communicating with e-mail, there is also something that most teenagers use everyday called, Instant Messeging. These are the good things about using the Internet for communicating with many people.

Using modern-day communication tehcnology, like the Internet, may have good things, but it also has bad things to it. One of the worst things that can happen when using the Internet is that you can be risking your own safety or privacy. When posting personal information, people that you don't know can gather information about you and you would be putting yourself in danger. You can start receiving unknown phone calls and unknown mail aswell (that's scary isn't it). Aside from other people gathering information about you through your personal websites or blogs, you can also be in danger when your using Instant Messeging like MSN Messenger. You can be talking to strangers and you don't even know it. When tlaking to strangers, you are putting yourself in danger. Especially when the stranger plans to meet up with you somewhere. These are bad things about our modern-day communication technology.

When we use our modern-day communicating technology, we should always think whether we are giving out information that might put ourselves at risk. Due to the fact that our modern-day communicating technology has some negative effects, it doesn't mean that people should stop using it. People should just be more careful and start thinking smart of what they're doing.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


hey. the name is Lendl and this is my blog for the course Media Arts (ASM 201).

this blog thing is cool and all, but it kind of sucks that we can't use it for fun and only for units.